
5 reasons creative writing differs from content writing!

Difference between Content writing and Creative writing

Content and creative writing Meanings

Content writing and creative writing are the most professional and similar terms when it comes to writing.

A writer who does creative writing and content writing does not mean they are the same terms. They are hugely different from each other.

Before understanding their differences, let us know the definition of content writing and creative writing.

Content writing: content writing is a form of writing that has purposeful content and a targeted audience.

And it is written to reach that target. for example, guidebooks, marketing products, manuals, ad copy, etc.

Creative writing: creative writing is a form of writing where you express your feelings through writing and words. 

For example, we song lyrics, movie scripts, novels, poems, etc. we used to read creative writing at our school level.

In textbooks poems, short stories, and novels are a part of creative writing.

We have understood the definition of content and creative writing. Now we will talk about the differences between them.

Difference between Content writing and Creative writing

Elements of content writing

    • Factual: The content written in content writing is based on research and some process so it is factual. It is based on facts and reality. 

    • Informative, instructional, and persuasive: content writing is used to give information about anything like product launch information. Also, it is used to give some step-by-step instructions on anything like how to use some products? It is used for persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. It means driving someone to do something through content.

    • Clear, precise, and straightforward: content writing is clear and straightforward to its niche. It does not contain anything besides its niche.

    • For the targeted audience: content is written on a straightforward topic targeting its fixed audience.

    • content follows the content marketing strategy of the business.

Forms of content writing

If you want to get paid online through freelancing, then these may be your good choices:

    • Website content

    • Blogs, posts, and articles

    • Product Description

    • Technical manuals

    • Newspaper articles

    • Social media content

    • Ad copies

Elements of creative writing

    • Fictional, non-fictional, lyrical: creative writing has freedom of expression. It can be fictional, song lyrics, movie scripts, and non-fictional. It cannot be a fact.

    • Entertainment, expression of thoughts & feelings: creative writing is used for entertainment and expression of thoughts, feelings, and emotions through words.

    • artistic expression, figurative and symbolic: creative writers can express their feelings and thoughts in artistic forms like songs, novels, scripts, poems, etc. which gives them freedom of writing their feelings.

    • For masses, or general audience: creative writing is a form of writing which is suitable for any kind of audience. It has no limit to anyone.

    • Freestyle writing: it has no basic rules for writing. It can be written freely.

Forms of creative writing

Creative writers cover media, songs, and movie industries to get their work out. These are the most common creative writing skills in the market:

    • Poetry

    • Screenplays

    • Movies scripts

    • Novels

    • Short stories

    • Song lyrics

    • Biography/autobiography


I hope you have understood the concept of content writing and creative writing.

It will help you know what content and creative writing are and provide advanced knowledge about creative writing vs content writing.

Now it's your turn to choose which writer you would like to choose as a carrier.

What do you prefer, content writing or creative writing?

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