Top helpful project's links for internships and jobs

helpful projects for internships and placement

Here are the top most helpful projects for internships and placement.

If you are thinking of grabbing a good internship or placement then a project plays a significant role in your resume and stands out. 

You may be thinking about why projects are required for internships or jobs. 

Show on-ground experience

We need to mention our projects on our resumes because it shows on-ground experience. For example, you have practical problem-solving experience.

Your projects will help during your internships, or if you have not done an internship, then projects add value to your resume.

Some FAQ’S 

  1. Does having a project mean I am a pro in that technology?

Ans: NO, you can learn that much you need for your projects. But strong your data structures and algorithms.

  1. Will I be asked about the projects in my interview?

Ans: Yes, maybe. But you must be prepared for that.

  1. Will I be asked about the technologies used in my projects?

Ans: yes

  1. Should I copy the project?

Ans: No, But you can have inspiration and learn by yourself

  1. When to do projects?

Ans: Try to learn technology first and then you can think about projects. 

How to do an ideal project?

                    1. Unique

                    2. Good UI

                    3. Solves a practical problem or real-life problems

                    4. Deals with data & backend

                    5. Hosted

                    6. 2-3 good projects are enough for internship and placement

What technologies to use to make projects for internships and jobs?

  1. Website Development projects

  1. Application Development projects

  1. Blockchain Development projects

  1. Machine learning projects

  1. Game Development projects

  1. DSA-Based Projects

If you want to crack paid internships, then follow 

Some of the project ideas and links are attached with the PDF, kindly go through them and explore them more: 

Some useful links: for students to grow and make great projects.

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